近期監管機構向我司提示及反映,有不法分子在中國大陸以我集團下“中達期貨”的名義進行詐騙及違法行為。本集團在此聲明,我司旗下的中達期貨有限公司Central Wealth Futures Limited (證監會中央號碼 BFW317)在香港從事和開展期貨交易的業務,為本集團下唯一一家期貨公司。我司旗下中達期貨有限公司在中國大陸並無商業業務,該“中達期貨”與本集團無關。若發現有冒充“中達期貨”或“中达期货”的機構在中國大陸提供開戶、銀行轉賬、期貨交易等服務,請廣大投資者提高警惕,謹防受騙。特此公告。
The declaration of entities conducting fraudulent and illegal activities under the name of “Central Wealth Futures”
The regulator has recently reminded and informed us that there are entities in mainland China conducting fraudulent and illegal activities under the name of “Central Wealth Futures” which is under our group. We hereby clarify that Central Wealth Futures Limited (SFC CE#BFW317) (“CWF”) is the only entity in our group providing dealing in futures contracts services only in Hong Kong. CWF has no business activities in mainland China and that “Central Wealth Futures” is not related with our group. All investors please be alert and mindful of potential fraudulent activities when seeing entities using “Central Wealth Futures” as its brand name to solicit clients for account opening, bank transfer and dealing in futures contracts.